

  • Fully GPU-based simulation of mechanical scanning imaging sonar (MSIS)
  • Improvements in all sonar simulations
  • Significant improvement to DVL performance when heightfield terrain is used
  • Heightfield terrain now supports 16 bit heightmaps
  • New syntax for loading ocean and atmosphere definitons using the XML parser
  • Support for arguments passed to the included files
  • New, complete, beautiful documentation generated with Sphinx


  • Moved to the OpenGL 4.3 functionality (compute shaders)
  • Complete rewrite of the ocean/underwater rendering pipeline
  • Light absorption and scattering in water based on Jerlov measurements
  • Full support of photo-reallistic sky and sunlight as well as point and spot lights
  • New, linear tree based, automatic LOD algorithm
  • New automatic exposure (histogram based) and anti-aliasing (FXAA) algorithms
  • Logarythmic depth buffer for planet scale rendering without precision issues
  • Fully GPU-based simulation of forward-looking sonar (FLS)
  • Fully GPU-based simulation of side-scan sonnar (SSS)
  • Normal mapping to enable high resolution surface details
  • Faster download of data from the GPU memory
  • Scheduling of the rendering of multiple views
  • Reallistic measurement of the drawing time
  • Interactive selection outline in 3D view
  • OpenGL function handlers provided through GLAD (dropped outdated GLEW)
  • General cleaning of code and refactoring
  • Dozens of bug fixes


This project started when I was writing my PhD thesis and needed a realtime simulator for a balancing mono-wheel robot. The simulator not only had to be fast but also deliver high fidelity results. After investigating commercial solutions I have reached the conculsion that I need to implement my own tool becasue simulation times were prohibitively long and no direct interaction with the robot was possible. I decided to use Bullet Physics library and build a simulator capable of computing multi-body dynamics with an analytic tyre-ground collision model, in realitime. Thanks to this simulator I was able to implement my whole control system in a virtual environment and simulate the robot in an interactive way, which allowed me to finish my PhD thesis.

During my PhD studies I had a brief adventure with underwater robotics and after I finished my PhD I started working in this field. Being mostly interested in control design, I have realised that a modern simulator for underwater robots is missing. That is how I started exteding Stonefish with marine robotics features and regularily using it in my research. I saw that this work can be of benefit for the whole marine robotics community and decided to release it as open-source software.